Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sheryn's visit

My mom was in Japan helping my sister Anna who had her baby the day after me. I was lucky to have my sister Sheryn fly out to help me with the kids just after Karen flew home.
I don't know what I would have done with out her. It was a crazy time for us. Ryan was in the middle of taking finals. We still weren't getting the sleep we needed Alyssa had School, and Sean was not the happy little boy that he was the first week or so of life. He was screaming constantly not sleeping well and it was very mentally and physically exhausting.
Sheryn came and saved us for a week. She brought games and toys for Alyssa, made a meal plan for the week and prepared food for us all week. She did everything that I was too exhausted to think about doing. We didn't get to go out and do much fun stuff with her during the week but we did get to go out and drive her around D.C. and we also went up to the temple to look at the lights.

Sean and Alyssa having some snuggle time on the bed. this is what we did at night a lot while Ryan was in class and I was too tired to do anything else.

The day after Sheryn got here Ryan was on his way to the school early to study for his final a little before he took it that night. He ended up getting a flat tire on the way that used up all of his study time. Luckily it all got taken care of in enough time to make it to his class for the final. That was just the kind of week we were having!

The lights at the temple
Sheryn in front of the Temple.

It was so nice having her out with us, and we are so thankful that she was willing to leave her family for a week to come help us out. We just wish we could have played a little more and had a little less screaming from the little one.

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