Friday, October 26, 2007

Boo at the Zoo!!

Alyssa's favorite animal is the Hippo, so we can't say we were too surprised when she insisted on being one for Halloween this year. when someone asked her at dance if she was going to be a ballerina for Halloween, she told them she was going to be a hippo ballerina which is what she ended up being this year.

We kicked off our Halloween festivities with Boo at the zoo this year. Unfortunately we picked the only day that it was raining. We still had a lot of fun though, and Alyssa was just happy to go see all of the animals, especially the Hippos!!

They have a wedding for a dead couple all set up and the kids think it is funny to go sit on the benches and watch like they are a part of the wedding.
Alyssa with the wedding backdrop behind her.

Alyssa the "hippo Ballerina" and Claire as "Nemo"

Alyssa making her Hippo face in front of the smaller pigmy Hippo.

Alyssa was so excited when she saw that the big hippo was out of the water walking around.

Ryan and Alyssa walking to the next treat spot in the pouring rain!

Afterwards, we headed into Shirlington for dinner with Nate and Catharine, and warmed up with some Chili and Hot chocolate.

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